MARAGI © Coding Together Since 2019 Home About Contact Us Report Issues / Give Feedback (RIGF)

Who Am I?

Hello! Im Joseph Frost, The CEO of Maragi,
I am currently working on making Maragi as collaborative and innovative as possible by running all sorts of diffrent projects with a hope to catch a target audience,
I am a solo-developer currently, running all sorts of diffrent projects and i may need a helping hand.

What Is Maragi's Mission?

At Maragi, We hope to achieve a environment of friendly collaborators who can work together and build these projects, and maintain them with ease,
Maragi's Mission Statement is "Coding Together", The mission statement means that we aim to create a fun environment for all are developers and work on projects with ease,
we also aim to create a innovative experience that isnt there in other development teams, we are open to all kinds of ideas,
send them in to us via email and we may work on making them a reality, We aim to create high quality projects with no errors and we also aim to secure are projects using up to date threat-prevention methods,
If you find any errors within are projects that you believe to be a fault,
then simply email us and we will get the errors fixed as fast as possible.

What Are the services we offer?

At Maragi, We offer a bunch of services, Such as music creation, music distribution, website design, website development, and logo creation,
You can contact us on any of these topics and we will assist you for free and even create music for you to use in your games or content,
distribute music for you, you send us the infomation and we will use third-party services and do the heavy-lifting for you,
We will code a website for you, in any of these coding languages: PHP, HTML, Javascript,
We will design a website for you, we can style the website based on the code you give us or based on your query,
we will create brand logos or artwork based on your request.

Why should you choose Maragi?

I started coding when i was young, and i have alot of experience in different coding languages such as PHP, Javascript, CSS, C#, Python, Lua, HTML, Typescript, SQL,
This whole website is coded in PHP, PHP is a very Powerful coding langauge that allows backend and frontend code to be stored in the same file,
SQL stands for Structured Query Language and it is used when interacting with Databases,
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet, CSS is what a website uses to style its infomation,
add colors to elements, and change background color and set backgrounds,
HTML stands for Hyper text markup language, and it is what websites use to structure the DOM tree of the website,
I Create Desktop Apps in Visual Studio C#, Ive created an app that connects to a Websocket and can run cmd.exe commands on another computer,
I create Unity games using C#, 3D and 2D.

Do we care?

At Maragi, We care about your thoughts and your dreams on creating an app, we will do are best to support you,
even if you have an idea and need consulting we do that for free aswell,
just reach out to us at

What is are focus?

At Maragi, Are focus is getting your projects finished and providing support for you,
as developers it is esspecially difficult to consult to each other and at maragi we encourage this idea,
talk to us about anything coding related and we will assist you as soon as possible.

Want to talk?

Feel free to contact us on,
you may also use the contact us page on the website available through the navagation bar.